Sunday, February 3, 2019


Hello fellow and non-fellow gamers this post is a bit different from my others. As of right now, this is just an update as in what's going on with the blog. Me to address and inform you all about the classics, such as the little game of pong. To the addictive colorful blocks and its amazing music that echoes for centuries. I'm just some kid on the internet here to give you a little history lesson about some games. Nothing too special going on here really this is just for fun. Though I will gladly take suggestions from anyone and answer any questions about the classics and anything else of the sorts. I will try to post whenever I have time besides school and my personal life taking up too much time. There will be no official schedule post for this blog though I will make one at least a week hopefully. I will keep this blog alive as long as I can because it is something I truly enjoy and fancy.  Some post will be long and others will be short depending on the topic. I don't know if this blog will grow or not depending on if you really like my post. If there are any suggestions on what I can do to better this blog, please comment down below or email me. I am willing to make this blog content and format better, feedback from you is always appreciated. Good or bad there is always something to approve one. Thank you all for taking the time and reading what I have to say. This is your fellow chap Ricky Rodas Munoz signing out and good day to you all!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Check This Out

Hey, guys I just finished a Collab blog with my buddies. It's about facts, questions, and opinions about the great Mario. It was something different but I really enjoyed it, just a quick post to tell you guys about this. The blog post will be linked in my friend's names right now. Joseph Cater  Genesis Stephens  Both of the names are the people I Collab with, the first name is the link to the blog and the second is linked to the other person that helped up. Please go and check it out and thank you.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Gamers Guide to Being a Gamer

1. Beg your Family for a gaming console, preferably a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One
2. Once, you've acquired a gaming console choose what game to get for it. A first-person shooter at least.
3. Call of Duty Black Ops 4 acquired from your mom
4. Time to make an account. Make sure it's a cool name because that's what you'll be called forever. Gamertag: SavageRex420_Xd
5. Play Call of Duty multiplayer
6. Get good at the game and make sure to spend money on microtransaction currency. Specifically, use your mom's credit card to obtain it.
7.  Use all currency on supply drops to make your character look cool.
8. When playing games its 50%skill and 50%looking cool
9. Once decked out and looking cool, start a game Team deathmatch.
10. Realize you suck at the game, get good kid.
11. After countless matches, you realize you still suck.
12. Yell at the enemy team and your teammates because they suck. Even though it's really you.
13. Scream and call the 9yr old vulgar names and terms.
14. Dad comes in and tells you to calm down.
15. Continue to do it.
16. Dad takes away your console forever because you yelled and stole your mom's credit card.
17. Get lectured over the fundamentals of being a good human being.
18. Cry.
19. Turn the sadness of not gaming into anger.
20. Realize that gamers are the most oppressed group in society.
21. Call on fellow gamers to rise up.
22. Rise up.
23. Realize that we really do live in a society.
24. Now fight for the equal rights of gamers.
25. Put the end to the Governments tyranny.
26. Spread awareness.
All steps completed Rise up Gamer

Gamer on The Go

Do you ever wish to play a game on the go? Yes, there is the 3ds and the use of your phone. But do you ever just want to play the classics on the go. Like the NES, the GB (Game Boy) and the GBC (Game Boy color) It's just you don't wanna carry around the block of a Game Boy if you even have one. Same with the NES you have to have some luck to find a good condition one. Then all the extra stuff with finding the cartridge. Too much money for something that may be broken and hard to find. That's why I suggest you get the BittBoy. What is the BittBoy you may ask? Why it is shaped like the Game Boy, as small as your hand, and will let you play NES, GB, and GBC games all on the go. This ain't no advertisement for it, this is just an honest recommendation saying you should go check it out of you're interested. I left a link for it on the name if you wanna check it out.

Heres how it looks like pretty small if you ask me. There aren't any games downloaded onto it, you have to go and download it yourself with an SD micro card. It can be off of any emulator website that has Roms. For the NES, GB, and the GBC off of any website that have any. All you have to do is type in " Roms for GB" Or whatever and you'll get some good results. After you get the games you want there is a little slot for the SD micro card. Turn on the  BittBoy and just start playing. It comes with its own charger and a cable if you wanna play it on the TV. This one is better than most because of its saving feature. Most bootleg and unofficial handheld Roms don't have a feature like that, so its amazing for one to have a feature like that. There are videos of people reviewing it on  YouTube if you wanna get a more in-depth review. There was an earlier test version of this project two years ago I picked it up. It had 300 games installed on it and that was a disaster, half of the games were bootleg some were good but lacked to save the progress. At times the games would crash and the material was iffy. They've obviously improved on a lot of things from and listened to the feedback. A good and honest handheld console on the go. Fellow Gamers here is your game on the go and rise up!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Term "Gamer"

What does it mean to be a gamer? Someone who is fond of playing video games and who relishes competition. Or just the casual person playing mobile games like Candy Crush. The term gamer originates from old English and of Germanic origin.
Old English Gamen - Amusement or Fun
Germanic - Play and Amuse oneself
Both combining into modern English term today gamer.
(The official definition by Webster) Gamer: 1. a  player who is game especially: an athlete who relishes competition
2. a  person who plays games 
especially: a person who regularly plays computer or video games   
This is the official term of the word gamer. But there is also another definition for the word gamer. The Urban Dictionary term for the word gamer. It is where new or made up words that have a slang term in our society. 

This is the most accurate and slang term to the word gamer. It is the second most popular result of the word gamer. The word is a bit controversial due to the fact that it's aimed towards the muscular group of people. Excluding the feminine group of people to that matter. When is use the term gamer, it's towards someone I know who is fond of games. Usually in Chemistry class is when I and my friend call each other gamer. We both know we play games and its just a fun word to call each other. No offense to one another, just friends being friends. There is the battle cry for gamers the "Gamers Rise up" There is a joke going around for gamers that they are the most oppressed group in society. Obviously, it's just a fun little joke nothing to get hurt over. Everyone knows that gamers aren't the most oppressed group in society. A term that is relevant to teenagers and a couple of older people. Now you know what a gamer is.   Are you a gamer? Has this opened your mind to a whole new world of slang terms? If so then gamers rise up and this society we live in!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

What a Steal

Nintendo released a service called, "Nintendo Switch Online" Where you pay to play with people online or games that let you play online. For a year its only twenty dollars! That's a steal and it comes with a whole bunch of NES games for free. The article The Verge, (I recommend to read the article to understand what I am talking about) Is talking about how online can be a great gaming service. Giving you a nostalgic feeling playing an 8-bit game, on a brand new innovated console.

All the hit original classics that made Nintendo a beloved franchise today. The very first ever game, where they introduced Mario ( Originally known as Jump Man in Donkey Kong) Donkey Kong, where you have to jump barrels, climb ladders, and then save the damsel in distress. The Very first The Legend of Zelda game with one of its most iconic words, "It's dangerous to alone! Take this" Metroid, where you're a space bounty hunter trying to kill the alien Mother Brain. With the game being such a hit and inspiration for many others. It created a whole new kind of genre for video games called, "Metroidvania" There are games yet to be added like, Castlevania, and Final Fantasy. Nintendo is still adding games to its list, which seems to be about every month.

List of NES games on Nintendo Switch Online
GamesRelease date
Balloon Fight September 19, 2018[23]
The Legend of Zelda SP October 10, 2018[24]
Gradius SP
Mario Open Golf SP (Japan only) [25]
November 14, 2018[26]
Adventures of Lolo (Outside Japan only)
Adventures of Lolo 2 (Japan only)
Dr. Mario SP
Metroid SP
December 12, 2018[27][28]
Blaster Master
Ghosts'n Goblins SP
Joy Mech Fight (Japan only)
Ninja Gaiden SP
January 16, 2019[29][30]
Here is the list of what games are currently on Nitnedo Switch Online. 
There have also been rumors about Online getting ready for SNES games. The Switch was recently data mined and people discovered SNES title within the files. A couple of games which were on the SNES Classic and some new ones that were not. It isn't confirmed by Nintendo, but it is most likely happening. Now is the matter of fact when its happening, all we have to do now is wait. The Nintendo Switch is revolutionary and redeemed Nintendo form its Wii U console. Combining the new and the old really makes you see how far each and every single game came. Good or bad it is the roots of Nintendo the beginning of one of the most beloved franchises today.      

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Spontaneous Combustion

If you look at the comments of my first blog post. You see a comment, all by itself in the void of my blog. A comment left by some strange man named Joseph Cater. He had a question, a thought, that had been in his mind since he was but a lad. The question was, "Does Dig Dug shove his hose into the enemy's anal cavity?" Today we will not review and look back on this game.

He seems to throw his hose into the enemy's rump and then proceeds to pump air into the enemy. Resulting in the enemy's stomach exploding into a gory death. Obviously, they can't even show that nor program it into the game. But that's the idea what gamers get when they see the enemy's explode into nothing. Dig Dug can also use the rocks to crush his enemy's to their death. There is just no end to his tyranny, squashing them or imploding them. It seems that he either shoots his hose into the enemy's stomach or into their butt. I have played Dig Dug before, and it is an amazing game. One of my favorite in the retro games of all time. When I read the comment that strange fellow left, I also had the same question. When I was young, the same thought had plagued my mind.

As you can see in this poster, it even shows Dig Dug shoving his hose into the Pooka (The little red guy in the pic) Dig Dug is also seen walking sideways onto some of the paths he made? Yes, it is a game they didn't put much thought into the base concept. He is some sort of exterminator that kills the enemies before they escape to above and do whatever. He has to exterminate some creatures that dwell underground, a little red man and a dragon. The dragon enemies are called Fygars, which spew fire at him. The Pookas are like these little things that don't do anything, except walk around and try to hit Dig Dug. When Dig Dug isn't nearby any enemy, they will somehow faze or change into some ghost. Either the enemy can use some magic or some ability that they already have. This ain't the wackiest concept for an arcade game. In Galaga, you're some ship in space shooting insects in space, as if that wasn't crazy. Anything that can be crazy and good back then was a good idea. They made a lot of money off of this didn't they? Anyways, does Dig Dug shove his hose into the enemy's anal cavity? The answer that I have concluded to is yes because all the evidence leads up to it. To be more exact he only shoves it into their butt when he faces their behind. From the gameplay and the photos, it all leads to that answer for whatever purpose it serves it gets the job done. This post was suggested by my buddy Joseph, I suggest you check out his blog that's about music, movies, and his best boy Johnny Depp. This is Ricky telling you gamers to rise and Dig Dug does implode his enemies. Good day my chaps!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Paassion Blog

The simple side-scrolling left and right games. Where a little ship shoots at whatever enemy it is in front of. Back then in the '70s & 80's a simple but revolutionary concept, especially for its time. Launching off in 1981 developed and published Namco, launching one of it's most well-known arcade shoot 'em up game to this day still. Galaga, a simple game where you control a ship and shoot insect-like ships, where you have to score many points as possible. Simple really just shoot the enemy without losing all your lives. 

Popular among many shoot 'em up fans, due to the fact that the enemy's had each own unique patterns. Making it harder to predict their movement

Being a huge success and even beating Pac-Man in popularity. Galaga is actually a sequel to the game Galaxian. Galaxian was considered a clone to another famous shooting game Space Invaders. But the game had a bit more to it. It had introduced the enemy not only leaving its formation but each having its own pattern. Quite like Pac-Man, each ghost has its own unique pattern. The game's visuals appealed ever stunningly and especially for its time. 

Each enemy had its own point worth, name, and pattern.
Bee: The most annoying enemy to me.
 Its a hybrid of defense and offense the insect's formation. They will come at you doing a donut to avoid your shots. Make sure to avoid them they try to do a kamikaze you. A simple but effective technique, that will wipe out all of your lives. It is preferable to take all of them out first.
Scorpions Subclass of Bee (Subclass does not shoot): After a certain level the Bee's will start transforming into three Scorpions. They will come after the ship trying to crash into it. Once, they leave the screen they will not come back. You would really like to kill them for their points. 
Butterfly: More of defense to protect the Boss, in order to protect it. Coming down with the Boss, shooting down at you. They will not try to crash into you. Only when they come in by themselves. Not as much of a  nuisance like the Bees, though a good sum of points. I recommend to shoot them when they come down onto the screen into a formation. 
Bosconian Spy Ship Subclass of Butterfly: Same as the Scorpions, the Butterfly's slipt into three of them. Trying to crash into the Fighter. A good sum of points but distract you from the main bugs. Same as the Scorpions once they fly off the screen they do not come back. 
Boss: The leader all the way at the top of the formation. My favorite enemy in the game, one that can benefit you in a big way. When it comes down rather than shooting, it emits waves and if caught in it. It will take your ship on top of it. Becoming a Captured Fighter that shall be like that till you either kill the boss or fly's away with it. Instead of shooting the enemy once killing it, two shots are needed to kill. If you do kill it the ship shall come down and fuse with the one you have. Enabling you to fire two shots at the same time. Its recommended to let the Boss in the first level capture your ship. So, you can save it by getting two ships doubling the firepower.
Galaxian Flagship: This is a throwback enemy from Galaxian as you can also tell from its name. This enemy comes in later levels, flying across the screen just for extra bonus points. Something nice to look at and to know that Namco will never forget Galaxian. 
Captured Fighter was explained in the description of the enemy Boss. 
There have been remakes from Namco of Galaga but never captures the same nostalgic feel of the original. There are a total of two hundred and fifty-five even though there is an extra one. Adding up a total of two hundred and fifty-six levels. That level is considered level zero, only achievable by doing a glitch. Even then it will cause the game to glitch out and crash. 
Galaga is one of my all-time favorite classic games. The visuals and gameplay were cutting edge for its time, inspiring many simple shoot 'em games for ages. My fellow gamers I hope you learned something new today.  You can find the game anywhere today on the internet today and in some arcades. I bid you a farewell gamers.  

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Introduction Blog

Hello, fellow gamers or just people welcome to my blog. I honestly don't know how you found this page. Through a friend, a link, or just randomly stumbling upon it. However you did, I applaud you for doing so. Now you may be asking yourself, "What is the purpose of this blog?" Why my good fellow chaps, it is about games! What kind? Why any kind of game old and new. But mainly the good old classics like the ones in the arcade.

Out of all of the games from World of Warcraft too Fortnite (God no I won't be talking about this). Just why the ones like Galaga, Centipede, or even Dig-Dug. Nowadays, we just see a whole bunch of old men review the new games. Obviously, there are people who do this also and are much more capable than I. Most who do review the classic games are people are people who grew up with them. Now, do you ever wonder, what a Gen Z kid thinks of something that is far older than him? Me I always had a love for the classics. Something about them, so addicting and simple yet limited due to the age it was created. This blog is something I did on my own and really it's about time for a different change of pace. None of that new stuff because the creators had to get their inspirations from somewhere. That all began from a simple black and white screen with a joystick and a button.