Monday, January 28, 2019

Gamers Guide to Being a Gamer

1. Beg your Family for a gaming console, preferably a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One
2. Once, you've acquired a gaming console choose what game to get for it. A first-person shooter at least.
3. Call of Duty Black Ops 4 acquired from your mom
4. Time to make an account. Make sure it's a cool name because that's what you'll be called forever. Gamertag: SavageRex420_Xd
5. Play Call of Duty multiplayer
6. Get good at the game and make sure to spend money on microtransaction currency. Specifically, use your mom's credit card to obtain it.
7.  Use all currency on supply drops to make your character look cool.
8. When playing games its 50%skill and 50%looking cool
9. Once decked out and looking cool, start a game Team deathmatch.
10. Realize you suck at the game, get good kid.
11. After countless matches, you realize you still suck.
12. Yell at the enemy team and your teammates because they suck. Even though it's really you.
13. Scream and call the 9yr old vulgar names and terms.
14. Dad comes in and tells you to calm down.
15. Continue to do it.
16. Dad takes away your console forever because you yelled and stole your mom's credit card.
17. Get lectured over the fundamentals of being a good human being.
18. Cry.
19. Turn the sadness of not gaming into anger.
20. Realize that gamers are the most oppressed group in society.
21. Call on fellow gamers to rise up.
22. Rise up.
23. Realize that we really do live in a society.
24. Now fight for the equal rights of gamers.
25. Put the end to the Governments tyranny.
26. Spread awareness.
All steps completed Rise up Gamer

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