Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Introduction Blog

Hello, fellow gamers or just people welcome to my blog. I honestly don't know how you found this page. Through a friend, a link, or just randomly stumbling upon it. However you did, I applaud you for doing so. Now you may be asking yourself, "What is the purpose of this blog?" Why my good fellow chaps, it is about games! What kind? Why any kind of game old and new. But mainly the good old classics like the ones in the arcade.

Out of all of the games from World of Warcraft too Fortnite (God no I won't be talking about this). Just why the ones like Galaga, Centipede, or even Dig-Dug. Nowadays, we just see a whole bunch of old men review the new games. Obviously, there are people who do this also and are much more capable than I. Most who do review the classic games are people are people who grew up with them. Now, do you ever wonder, what a Gen Z kid thinks of something that is far older than him? Me I always had a love for the classics. Something about them, so addicting and simple yet limited due to the age it was created. This blog is something I did on my own and really it's about time for a different change of pace. None of that new stuff because the creators had to get their inspirations from somewhere. That all began from a simple black and white screen with a joystick and a button.

1 comment:

  1. Finna be honest here my well-fed friend, this introduction was one of the single most sexiest, rawest, and absolutely crazy things I have ever read in my, thus far, short existence. As you know, I am too a gamer, and have various bits of knowledge on games. So, just a request, could you explain the logistics of Dig-Dug's hose? He literally sticks it inside of enemies (presumably through their anus) and blows them up from the inside. It's a question I'm sure every true gamer has asked in their lifetime.
